
Announcement: Earthquake State DESIGNS has launched!

Today, I launched my Etsy shop, Earthquake State DESIGNS. The name comes from the idea that both my designs and myself are homegrown in California (the earthquake state) and portray a uniquely Californian vision of knitted handcrafts. At least, I hope so.

I did some photography of my own, arranging what I had made so far and figuring out where the best light was. Then I had my mom take embarrassing pictures of me wearing them. Some turned out ok, like the two below:
Then, there was the embarrassing Hoodie photoshoot, wherein my mom kept telling me not to smile. So of course that makes it easier to "model" with a straight face.
Hey, I gave it a shot.

Bet you can't wait to see the headband photos I have planned for tomorrow, can you?

Go check out my shop! I'm really proud of myself for finally getting this together. Even if I never sell anything (which, let's be real, I hope doesn't happen - the point of using Etsy is to sell things), I'm still glad I made the effort to put myself out there and share something I really enjoy doing. 

It would make me really happy if other people enjoyed it too, but there's no guarantee of that. The most important thing in this is that I'm pleasing myself with my work, and I am! So, that's good.

Hope everyone had a great holiday this week!

xo // Madeleine

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