
Hot Spot: Smitten

Smitten Ice Cream is fantastic. It uses a process (developed by the super young female founder whose name I had to look up on their website - fyi, she is Robyn Sue Goldman) called "Kelvin" which somehow mixes and freezes the ingredients per-order, so the ice cream never stands still in a freezer, collecting ice crystals. The website touts, "Every scoop is made right before your eyes, going from raw ingredients to finished ice cream in about a minute." It's true!

It is so fresh that it begins melting as you eat it, but that only adds to the sense of this being some ethereal, intangible treat not long for this world. You scoop faster, licking the tiny spoon on both sides, clinging desperately to the last morsel of creamy flavor. You know where it's going? Straight to your belly. So it all works out for you in the end.

I have been lucky enough to frequent this Hayes Valley spot on several occasions. Here is a recap of each delectable moment:

Visit 1
Blossom Bluff with Honey Nectar and Shortbread

Visit 2
Sweet Corn with Blackberry and Shortbread

Visit 3 (Not Pictured)
Creme FraĆ®che with Pear Caramel 
(Truthfully not my favorite, but still pretty good!)

The last photo is of The Kelvin Process but unfortunately it's not really close enough to see the details very clearly. If you're interested in how it works, you should go to Octavia and Linden Street as soon as possible to watch it happen in person - the machines use some kind of dry ice that makes the whole machine smoke as it churns! Do not be alarmed, they are merely creating delicious ice cream treats for you.

Until you can head over, check out their online menu for more pictures and a list of their monthly special flavors using seasonal ingredients. Next month is Apple-Quince Streusel and I can't wait to try it.

Lest you be scared off by the odd sounding ice cream flavors, never fear. They always have classic Tcho Chocolate and Vanilla with a variety of toppings so you can mix and match.

You have no excuse not to visit this place! Unless you don't like ice cream...then, I don't know how to help you.

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