
Five Things you didn't know about Oysters

You may not know this, but I love shellfish.

I was the nine-year-old who would willingly order steamed mussels at a restaurant and not want to share with her parents. My favorite seafood dish is still linguine with clams and white wine sauce. I don't particularly love shrimp, but give me a mollusk and some broth and I'm a happy woman.

It wasn't until sometime within the past year that I tried raw oysters for the first time, but my affinity for shellfish has not lessened at all with the introduction of this slippery delicacy. To help illustrate this point:

From my Seattle trip:

From a recent Sunday lunch with my parents:

Etc, etc.

So when I saw this article the other day informing me there were things I did not, in fact, know about oysters, I thought I would share it with you in case we were in the same boat: "Five Things You Didn't Know About Oysters." After reading that, I wanted to go immediately to Tomales Bay and take part in that community-oyster-garden project the article references. Maybe next spring!

All I can say is, oysters are pretty awesome long as you don't think about the more gross aspects of their biology, like the water-filtration parts. Ick. 

Update: This recent article describes some of the problems climate change have brought to the oyster community! Read if you love oysters and want them to stick around...


  1. And Seattle oysters are to DIE FOR! :D

  2. They were delicious! I love the lemon, not so big on the vinegar sauce sometimes served with them.

  3. Settle down little lady or I won't post the adorable pictures of us eating seafood with our hands.

  4. My favorite seafood dish too! I love me some linguine with clams in white wine butter sauce!!! Woooohoo. :)
