
Sadie, Sadie, Married Lady

Several weeks ago - okay, okay, it was over two months ago just drop it already - one of my favorite cousins got married to his fantastic fiancée and I, to no one's surprise, obsessively photographed the entire event. Then, to even less surprise, I Instagram-ed a few of my favorite shots:

Place settings with homemade jam as wedding favors and homegrown sweet pea blossoms.

The cake.

A friend of the Groom's provided homebrewed beer (two kinds!) for the guests.

Zach and Britta: the first dance!

The redheads

The tent

Our table!

Sorry, Mom. I love this picture.

The entire day was, for lack of a better word, lovely. It was love-ly - so full of love and joy and celebration. The wedding took place at my cousin's childhood home in Sebastopol and my aunt & uncle (alright technically they're my cousins and my "cousin" is my second-cousin because my aunt and uncle are my stepdad's niece and nephew-in-law LET'S MOVE ON) made every detail personal and beautiful in the simplest of ways. There was the traditional guestbook, alongside a large log slice for people to sign in accordance with the rustic theme. The flowers were sweet peas from their garden and the food consisted of pizza varieties and crackling pig with sweet jam. I never thought I would be able to eat an animal that actually looked like an animal upon consumption but damn that pork was delicious.

During dinner my other cousin gave a best man speech that almost made me cry. Listening to the respect and praise he has for his older brother was incredibly moving. This family is full of the most genuine, warm people that I know, and seeing their happiness on this day made my heart swell. Then, thankfully, the funny speeches started.  And I ate some more crackling pig. (I'm a bad, bad vegetarian.)

Finally, the sun went down, the light strings lit up the tent, and the dancing started.

If this all sounds like every cliché description of an outdoor, summer, nighttime wedding, I apologize. Every bit of it is true. It was a spectacular night.

Congratulations to Zach and Britta! More pictures after the jump:

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