
"I think it was the other direction."

Tuesday night, I went with Lily and Lauren (you remember their mugs by now, I don't need to include pictures) to the Giants vs. San Diego Padres game at AT&T Park.

This is my one picture of the game. The rest of the time, we were searching desperately for veggie dogs (Lily), corn dogs (Lauren), and sweatshirts (me.) Luckily, we were (eventually) successful on all three fronts.

Only after walking halfway around the park to look for corn dogs did we ask a server where they were located, and discover the only food vendor selling corn dogs was the Gilroy Garlic Fries stand located approximately where we had started searching. That makes sense. We should have checked the place advertising garlic fries. Yes.

Once we had obtained all necessary beverages and forms of sustenance, we walked around the park in the opposite direction. You see where the picture is taken from? Those are our real seats. You see the yellow foul-ball post? That's where we walked to before discovering there were no seats there. Please don't judge, we were carrying a lot of things and suffering from low blood-sugar. OK? Ok.

In the end, we found the rest of our group. Lily works for Rebuilding Together, and we got the seats due to a fundraiser for their organization. Shout out to RTP! Thanks for the game. Those corn dogs were worth it.


  1. Awesome pic! (and post...obvs)...I'm diggin the new blog style/format/whatever you call it. yea

  2. Thanks Mer! Did you and Lil ever go hiking? We need to set up another girls hang day. Soon please! Maybe more tapas? :)
