
"The Wingless"

Some of you, Bloggees, may remember my attempt at a scathing review of The Rib Whip - however, you may also remember that one friend of mine named Miss Lillian narrowly escaped the same stomach-cramping fate by feasting at Adam's Grub Truck that evening.

Some co-workers and I have begun to venture out at lunch once a week to a food truck gathering spot about eight blocks away from the office (just long enough to work up an appetite on the way there, and then torture you with the smell of your delicious-meal-in-tow on the way back.) The first time we tested the SoMa StrEat Food waters, I decided to see just what I had been missing from Adam's Grub Truck...and thus, my introduction to The Wingless sandwich was born.

The Wingless is comprised of grilled mushrooms, spicy guacamole, coleslaw, and a fried egg on a whole wheat bun. It was gigantic, and incredible. The combination of spicy and creamy flavors, with the slightly smokey grilled taste from the mushrooms, was something I'd never quite tasted before. I would definitely recommend this sandwich to anyone in SF looking for something worthy of trekking to a food truck.

And, as you can see above, the waffle-cut fries were stereotypically greasy and satisfying.

I need to start running again. This StrEat Food thing is going to become a big, big problem...

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