
Memorial Day BBQ

As I said in a recent post, I've been a bit backlogged in posting due to new apartment responsibilities (read: making sure the dog stays alive) and a heavier workload over the past couple of weeks. However, I'm here to rectify that backlog! I have lots of pictures from the past week's events.

This post is about a weekend that took place a couple of weeks ago - Memorial Day weekend! I had a barbeque in the park across the street from the apartment and invited over a few friends. This was my first full weekend in the apartment so it was a bit of a housewarming BBQ.

Daisy, awaiting the guests.

Some perky toenail polish for the summer holiday!

Lily and Lauren, my trustee blog subjects, came over early to grocery shop and help prep some of the food. Also, they brought the grill. Sue me! I've been living at home, I don't own a grill. Maybe by this time next year...Hell, maybe I'll even have my own grilling tongs. Dare to dream...

We made turkey burgers, guacamole, grilled veggie skewers, grilled corn on the cob with garlic and pepper, and attempted to finish off the day with grilled peaches and vanilla ice cream. The peaches were the only course that didn't turn out very photogenically, but they were still delicious!

Turkey burger prep

Veggies marinating and waiting to be skewered...

Lauren is a guacamole making machine!

The corn on the cob was my sole contribution, besides the park.

She added extra jalapeƱos, and the result was incredible.

These peaches were...not quite ripe enough to cut. Oops.

Quick, somebody kiss the chef! She looks adorable in that apron borrowed from my landlords.

After everything was prepared as much as it could be without firing up the grill, we moved outside to the park up the grill! Unfortunately, while it was a beautiful sunny day, it was also surprisingly windy. The "firing up" concept took a little extra effort, and it took some time in the sun to really warm up and feel the summer vibes.

While they worked on the grill, Sophia came over and brought maddeningly good Lavender Lemon bars that she made for the picnic. I want to steal the recipe and try them myself for a Fork it Over post (and because I want to be able to make and consume them on demand) but I'm sure they won't be as delectable as these first bars. I say bars plural because I definitely consumed more than one that day.

Finishing touches

Our burgeoning feast continues to grow...

Eventually, other friends arrived and the party really began. We could finally dig in to the guacamole!

The veggie skewers quickly disappeared

Turkey burger in a baguette! This was a day before I decided to go vegetarian. Unrelated, I swear!

Grilling on the tiny grill felt a little inefficient at times, but the reward was a multi-course meal that spanned several hours in the sunshine and allowed us to really enjoy the holiday, instead of stuffing our faces as quickly as conceivably possible. Alright, some of that happened too.

Peaches and ice cream - my eyes did not care for them, but my taste buds were eternally thankful.

Also, I learned there are fruit trees in the backyard of the apartment. This is going to be an amazing attribute come July! Overall, what a great summer day.

...but seriously, Lily? Lauren? Your grill is still in my foyer (and I use that term loosely.)


  1. come visit! you can have the dog! ...for the duration of your visit and not a second longer. creep. ;)
