
Hot Spot: Miyabe's

After spending the day at the beach, my faithful chums (too British? I'll work on it) and I headed over to Miyabe's in the Castro for sushi dinner. It had been ages since I'd had fresh sushi, so I may have slightly over-ordered. Whoops! The leftovers still made for a great Monday lunch...

I don't usually like unsweetened tea except when I'm getting sushi or dim sum. Then, it always tastes so refreshing!

We started with salad and tempura appetizers. I love the miso dressing most places use and I always try to find and/or replicate it for my own salads. So far I have not been successful. Maybe it's the fresh, creamy, slightly-sesame taste but I just can't get over it!

The Crew: Lauren...


...and Lily!

Then, the sushi arrived.

Soft-shell crab ("spider") roll with avocado and spicy sauce, succulent salmon slices sitting atop beds of fresh rice ("sake" roll), salmon roll for Lily, the reliably delicious California roll, and finally, 4 pieces of addictively salty Ikura salmon roe sushi...

Towards the end, I couldn't even finish the rice and seaweed wrapping...but I also couldn't resist finishing off most of the Ikura. I love me some salmon roe.

Lauren gives her wink of approval

Next time I'll try not to wait so long between sushi dates so as not to subject my friends to my incurable raw-fish gluttony!

(Bloggees - what are your favorite sushi places? I'm always looking for recommendations.)

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