
Subletting: Day 1

Well Bloggees, it's official - I am in charge of an entire apartment! And a dog! In a week or so I will have a roommate with whom I shall be sharing this epic responsibility, but for the next week it is just me, Daisy, and a fridge full of wine. Just kidding! It's only half-full.

We don't have internet set up at the apartment yet (we're subletting for a writer couple who doesn't normally have internet installed - I should probably look into this lifestyle choice) so my blogging abilities are slightly limited until next Tuesday evening. However, I wanted to share a couple of pics I managed to take last night (and upload at work today) which should give you an idea of how the next week is going to go while I'm all on my own...

Daisy! ...After I arrived and the excitement of a new person wore off.

A quick run to the corner store resulted in this nutritious choice.

So worth it!

Somehow my incredible friend Missy managed to send me a birthday card on the exact day I moved in. MAGIC, I tell ya.

Daisy's morning walk turned roll-in-the-park. I think this is going to be a trend.

I have pictures of the apartment itself but that requires more time (and uploading energy) than I have right now, so I'll post those this weekend at a cafe or on Tuesday when I officially have access to the interwebs. Can't wait to show you all more of my new Bernal Heights life!

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