
Hot Spot: Picaro

My good friend Felice was in town last week for a wedding, so some of us went to get tapas at Picaro on 16th and Guerrero, to drink happy hour sangria and catch up. Most, if not all, of my blog posts are about restaurants I love to go to normally! I'm not sure if I'll ever be financially stable enough to go try a new place just to blog about it (without some promise of a good food-return,) so hopefully you, Bloggees, will only hear tell of my nights out at tried-and-true SF eateries. And by tried-and-true, I mean, they probably have cocktails.


Felice and I!

Obligatory ridiculous expression picture. My eyebrows got the message that the rest of my face seems to have missed. 

(Felice was completely committed to the cause, however)

The food is always fantastic at Picaro. Usually we opt for familiar plates so as to get a well-rounded but delicious meal: grilled artichokes; spicy shrimp; sauteed mushrooms; calamari; potato-and-egg quiche-type that is always a favorite with the group; and, of course, the SANGRIA. It cannot be missed.

Unfortunately for you, my camera missed all of it. I apologize for the meager shots below:

Potatoes and aioli dish we tried this time - it tasted far better than it photographed.

One sad grilled artichoke, because the rest had been devoured.

A wasteland of empty dishes.

This is what happens when flash meets mood lighting.

Lily, you look great! Mer... I hope you're not reading this.

The one semi-decent food shot I got still makes the chocolate mousse look like a total mushy blob.

...Just FYI, it was a delicious blob.

1 comment:

  1. #1 picaro IS soooo delicious! YUM
    #2 whatever do you mean 'i hope you're not reading this'??? that is the most flattering photo of me EVER. *saved as profile pic*
