
Hot Spot: Kate's Kitchen

 Last weekend, I went to a pre-birthday brunch with my friend Lauren at my absolute favorite brunch place: Kate's Kitchen on Haight and Fillmore.

 Action shot en route to the bus...

I've been working on another knitting project (shhh don't tell Knit Two Together) so I managed to squeeze in some knitting time on the bus. 

Kate's Kitchen!

Here is the scenic outdoor waiting area. I love the lack of pretense here - if you want to sit, you sit on a plank between two planters. It works.

Lauren was so excited for brunch too! She makes the best faces. So photogenic.

I took this picture two minutes before a table of three twenty-something guys were seated directly in front of the menu board. Thank god. That could have been awkward. 

(Example dialogue: "Why are you taking pictures of us?" "Uh, erm, eh, well, the board? Right there? What? Nevermind.")

 They have a permanent menu item called the Lauren Special! I think I've been here with Lauren about 3-4 times, and every time I ask her if she's going to get it. I think she's only gotten it once. I wonder if that time was just so I'd shut up about the Lauren Special?

THIS is why I come here. The hush puppies. I may not have been born in the South, but I can eat like I was. 

I love much.


Veggie scramble please!

With...extra crispy bacon. My guilty pleasure. I think I could give up most meat for the rest of my life, and bacon would still be the "temptress of the night" (or, morning) for me. Every time.

Lauren got something off the specials board, a wrap of...some sort. I wasn't really paying attention. Hey, there were hush puppies to be eaten!

Before the carnage began.

After the annihilation. 

Note: those two hush puppies are still sitting there before they had started out with four other friends. Lauren and I are good, but we can't eat six of those and our whole meals on a normal weekend. That's why we usually bring Lily along - more efficient division of the hush puppies. 

Sorry Lil. You needed to know the truth.

They have a big map!

I like the chairs painted on the wall. I wish they would spice it up with a chaise lounge on one wall and maybe a vanity desk on another. Get the whole room furnitured up.

Overall, always a lovely experience at Kate's Kitchen. If you go, expect that you may have to wait a bit to be seated, but service is fast once you are and the food is worth it. 

(The coffee...might not be.)


  1. happy to oblige, mads!! i'm sorry I missed out on those last two for sure... :)

  2. Next time! There will always be hush puppies for us at Kate's Kitchen!
