
Fork it Over: Inaugural Post!

Hello fair Readers (all three of you)!

I'm starting a new regular column chronicling my culinary exploits. By "culinary" I mean "anything that can be made in the kitchen" (no quality assurances) and by "exploits" I mean "whenever I can make myself create a entire meal." Hopefully it will encourage me to try new things in the realm of cooking/baking, and hopefully the journey will be enjoyable for you too! I promise to take pictures of spills and messes, not just the perfect finished product. Then again, maybe I'll just do things perfectly each time. Fingers crossed.

My first experiment: Apple-Cinnamon Oatmeal

This recipe was of my own creation. It is so incredibly easy that I almost felt silly taking pictures, but hey, a chef's gotta start somewhere! Maybe next time I'll photograph hard boiling an egg for you...

1. Chop apples! And buy some cinnamon.

2. Boil water and add regular oatmeal (steel cut is best for you, instant would still work.)

3. Add chopped apples.

4. Add cinnamon! I added a lot. Yum.

5. STIR. Serve!


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